Individual Training Accounts (ITA) comprise the majority of training services provided for Adults, Youth, and Dislocated Workers. The ITAs are individual training accounts awarded to WIOA eligible individuals which provide educational and occupational skills training services, with maximum funding limits set by the Local Workforce Development Boards. Postsecondary educational institutions and private training entities which offer instruction leading to generally recognized certifications in high demand, high growth, and high wage occupational skills are among the entities approved to receive WIOA funding.
All WIOA Training Providers must apply for and be approved to be added to the State’s Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL). The Workforce Development Division (WDD) is responsible for the review, approval, and tracking of all eligible training provider programs.
For those looking to enhance their job skills or find employment, individuals can search for available training programs, financial aid and other resources at the Eligible Training Provider List or go your local Career Center to apply. Applicants must meet all WIOA eligibility requirements. All WIOA training funds are paid directly to the program provider.